
Contact Information:
Helen Tuccio



The Columbiettes is a prayerful community of Catholic women who perform charitable works. We are an international organization dedicated to our Patronesses, the BLESSED VIRGIN MARY, ST. THERESA THE LITTLE FLOWER and ST. JOAN OF ARC. 

Our Emblem: 

* The BLUE CIRCLE represents the World.
* The WHITE CROSS represents Christ's love for us - by His Crucifixion He redeemed the World.
* The RAYS represent our zeal to serve God through the mediums of FAlTH, HOPE and CHARITY symbolized by the THREE WHITE STARS. Our purpose is to: 

  • * promote the spiritual, social and charitable welfare ofour members 
  • * to instill a steadfast conviction relating to the proper place and function
    o f Catholic women in safeguarding the religious, civil and economic rights
    of all Catholics 

  • * to rely upon the intercession of Mary, our Mother and Model, for guidance
    in guarding the common good, to work through her, loving and aiding all members ofthe human family and to give assistance to the Knights of Columbus in all their activities upon request. 


    * 2nd Tuesday of the month, 7:00 pm at St. Jude Parish Center
    * New members installed in the spring and fall
    * Annual dues $15 -- time commitment according to individual ability 

    Contact us at: 

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